Now hiring experienced technicians


  • What To Do If Your Toilet Won’t Flush

    Has this ever happened to you: Your toilet is on the fritz. You keep tapping the handle, but your porcelain throne refuses to flush, or it tries to flush but just makes some horrible gurgling sound instead. Then, as the cherry on top of an already tough situation, everyone in your household starts pointing fingers […]

  • Benefits of a Warm Shower (And Why Everyone Deserves a Working Water Heater)

    While it may be true that a cold shower can boost immunity and maybe even your metabolism, it doesn’t make getting ready for work any easier! The last thing you need in the morning is to waddle around your home in multiple layers of clothing like an Arctic explorer venturing across the tundra as you […]

  • How to Get Rid of Gremlins

    The Secret to Longer Lasting Appliances, Smaller Energy Bills, and Shiny Hair Do your appliances keep breaking? Are you tired of getting pelted with hard water during your morning shower? Do you ever step out of the shower to find that your skin feels unusually dry or that your hair lacks its usual illustrious sheen?  […]

  • Everything You Need to Know About HVAC Heating Systems

    When the California Board of Tourism talks about SoCal winters, they usually mention the 72°F and sunny afternoons while skipping over the part about 40°F winter nights and chilly residential homes that never seem to heat up. And while Midwestern tourists may not quite grasp the difference between tropical weather and a Mediterranean climate (to […]

  • Find Out What Water Heater is Best For You!

    Not all water heaters are built the same, and not every heater is a good fit for every household.  When selecting a water heater, there are a lot of options to choose from. So it’s to consider how many people will be using hot water at once, how much hot water your household uses, which […]


Walnut, CA 91789 | (714) 582-0173