A Faulty Thermostat Can Damage Your HVAC System
One of the most important parts of your heating and cooling system is a thermostat. It is a compact and small device, which is often neglected by the homeowners. However, you cannot expect your AC or heating system function efficiently without the thermostat steady and reliable operation. Like any other part of your HVAC system, your thermostat requires professional installation and service to work without interruptions. The thermostat problems could result in insufficient heating or cooling of your home, high energy fees and even in the damage of your entire system.
When it comes to heating and cooling your home or business facility, you would prefer a system that you can depend on in the middle of a warm summer or chilly winter. The thermostat successful operation and maintenance should be your priority if you desire to stay comfortable at your own home. At Pomona Valley Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning you can expect valuable advice and prompt actions in case of any issues with your AC or heating systems. Our team of pros is proud to be in business for over 50 years, always undergoing top level training. Our HVAC technicians are top-notch specialists, who will help you find the best thermostat solutions for your personal situation.
One of the problems caused by a faulty thermostat is –
Thermostat miscalibration
The most widespread problem with the thermostats, that often goes unnoticed at first, is thermostat miscalibration. A miscalibrated thermostat will incorrectly measure the indoor temperature, consequently turning the heater and AC on and off at the wrong times. They will either run too long or run too short. Losing comfort at your home and the HVAC system consuming extra energy takes only a couple degrees of miscalibration. Also if the thermostat causes the system to run longer periods of time without breaks, it will also put extra strain on your AC or heater, forcing them to wear out faster.
“Short cycling” is another potential big issue from a miscalibrated thermostat. This happens when the heater or AC ends its heating/cooling cycle too early because the thermostat wrongly concluded that the target temperature at your home was reached. The system prematurely stops working – only to turn back on some time later and start the process all over again. This will eventually turn into a major AC/heater repair problem, because “short cycling” severely exhausts the compressor, the most valuable part of an AC/heating unit and the most expensive part to replace in case it fails. The matter is that this start-stop action of short cycling is one of the worst things that a compressor can experience. In the worst case scenario this can also affect the motors resulting in their burn out.
Thermostat repair/replacement in Pomona Valley
You should remember that the thermostat issues are often undetected and appear as problems in other parts of the HVAC system (short cycling can as well happen because of a refrigerant loss), so you may not even suspect that the faulty thermostat causes the problem. However, your thermostat repair technicians from Pomona Valley Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning can track the source of the real failure, so whenever you notice that something is wrong with your cooling/heating system, grab the phone and call us. Our specialists will inspect your system and advice on possible repair, replacement or upgrade of your current thermostat to a more efficient model.
Some of our thermostat products and services include:
- Wi-Fi and smart thermostats
- Programmable thermostats
- Thermostat installation, repair and replacement